Ashgrove Computing
☎ 020 8559 4911
📱 07955 884 503
Business PC services
Office moves and re-arrangements
Our team can help to move your entire IT infrastructure to your new premises, and make sure everything is set-up to not delay your workflow. We will make sure all your technology is packaged and transported safely so you can be sure all your equipment will work when it arrives at your new location.
Backup services
Everyone should be taking backups but often it gets forgotten until its too late and something has gone wrong. We can provide a fully automated backup service which will be checked regularly to make sure it is functioning fully to assure your information is safe.
Website design and hosting
A domain name is your address on the internet; but unlike a postal address, it also reflects on your brand. We can help you select a suitable domain name and then register it, to stake your claim and protect your brand.
R&D and consultancy
We can work with you to augment your in-house expertise in a wide range of specialities.
The small print:
E&OE. Payment to be made by credit or debit card, or cash. Payment on invoice by arrangement.
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