Ashgrove Computing
☎ 020 8559 4911
📱 07955 884 503
R&D and consultancy

Research and development
Ashgrove Services is a Member of a European consortium working towards standardisation of procedures at all levels in new and advancing technologies.
Specialist areas that we deal with are:
- Projects and architecture
- Programming and software development
- Data mining and analytics
- Business intelligence
- Big data
- Cyber security and governance

Consultancy and training on demand can help you to control costs and stay in budget. We can work with you to augment your in-house capabilities through the entire gamut of business and IT specialities.
Our subject matter experts bring a broad range of deep skills to specific projects; or our sister organisation, Ashgrove College can provide training for your permanent staff to satisfy more ongoing operational requirements.
The small print:
E&OE. Payment to be made by credit or debit card, or cash. Payment on invoice by arrangement.
Copyright ©2011-2020 Ashgrove Services t/a Ashgrove Conputing. All rights reserved.