Ashgrove Computing
☎ 020 8559 4911
📱 07955 884 503
Refurbished computers

When you need a low cost machine
Not every application requires the latest and greatest hardware. Email, internet browsing and office applications (word processing, spreadsheets and presentations) still work perfectly well on machines that are a few years old.

When you need an older machine
Some installations use specialised hardware or software, and these installations are not always supported by their original manufacturer. When your trusty old PC finally gives up, a new one running the latest and greatest Windows is no use to you if your application only works on XP - or even MS-DOS!
When you need our help
We can supply older hardware at a significant cost saving over a new system. All systems, including second user systems, are supplied with our warranty for your peace of mind.
We can supply a computer that will run any software, and work with any hardware, however old. We have decades of experience providing ongoing support to installations still running everything from MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 to Windows XP.
Please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
The small print:
E&OE. Payment to be made by credit or debit card, or cash. Payment on invoice by arrangement.
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