Ashgrove Computing

020 8559 4911
📱 07955 884 503

PC and laptop repairs

We can repair any computer

We can repair hardware or software problems on any desktop, tower, laptop, notebook and most netbooks, including PC, Windows, Mac, Linux and Android-based systems.

Satisfaction guaranteed - no fix no fee

For your peace of mind, all our work is of course covered by a warranty. Furthermore, we will always inform you of cheaper alternatives, if any exist. We will never charge you for unnecessary work, and in the unlikely event that we are unable to fix your problem, we usually will not charge you at all (unless agreed in advance, eg for some specialist parts orders).

How much will it cost?

Initial diagnosis is free. We will check your system and tell you exactly what is wrong with it, and how much it will cost to fix.

If you do not wish to proceed with the repair on this basis, we can discuss other options with you, such as transferring all your data to a new PC or device - whether supplied by us or bought elsewhere.

Or you can just come and collect your old PC, or ask us to dispose of it for you - there is no obligation at all.

We can also recommend upgrades

We would never try to sell you an upgrade that you don't need. However, if we think you would benefit from, for example, a larger hard disk drive or more memory, then since we have your PC in bits anyway, you could save money by upgrading at the same time!